Commercial Grower
Commercial Grower
Just how does the PlantsurgeUSA magnetic fields cause such significantly stronger, healthier plant growth than both tap water and collected rain water?
Commercial grower improves yield using magnetic water
Ben Wild, the owner of Wild Greens Farm located in Brackenholm in North Yorkshire watched as his crops flowered one week faster after irrigating with magnetic water. That’s not all, the Plantsurge water encouraged plants to grow larger petals. The net result for this busy plant grower has been increased yield and cropping, two benefits that has made a difference to business profits. SpektremPlantsurgeUSA water saving benefits will also reduce water costs because it hydrates root systems more efficiently.

Results were remarkable, the plant trials validated exactly what Ben Wild observed - viola plants tested using SpektremPlantsurgeUSA produced more flowers with larger blooms than those using tap water. The results of product comparison plant testing is available from customer services