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The Science Behind Magnetized Water
Passionate gardeners, commercial flower farmers, and caretakers of outdoor spaces can all attest to the fulfilling feeling of seeing their garden lush with blooming blossoms and flourishing greenery. To keep your garden dreams thriving with a mesmerizing array of colors, shop water treatment systems from PlantsurgeUSA! Our magnetic water treatment powers your plants with accelerated growth so you can effectively harvest nature's most beautiful gifts. To learn more about how we make it happen, keep reading and get yours today!
moreWhat Is Electroculture Gardening?
The sight of your garden flourishing with life is a testament to your hard work and unwavering dedication. To consistently feel that sense of pride and joy, you should try adding magnetized water systems to your watering routine. At PlantsurgeUSA, we're thrilled to introduce you to the fascinating world of electroculture gardening. Our farm and fleet water softeners allow you to enhance your garden with an abundance of lush greenery and stunning blooms. Unlock the potential of magnetic water technology with our innovative garden watering device and experience the benefits of healthier and more productive plants. Read on to learn more and shop our water treatment systems today!
moreThe Benefits of Magnetized Water for Your Home and Garden
Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to improve the health and growth of your plants? Look no further than magnetic water treatment, a revolutionary technique offered by PlantsurgeUSA. By harnessing the power of magnets, this process transforms ordinary water into a growth booster for your plants.
moreMagnetic Water Descalers vs Traditional Water Softeners: Which is Better?
When it comes to dealing with hard water problems, traditional water softeners have been the go-to solution for many years. However, there is a newer and better option available: magnetic water descalers. In this blog post from PlantsurgeUSA, we'll compare magnetic water descalers and traditional water softeners to show you why magnetic descalers are the better choice.
moreFour Ways To Save Money On Gardening
Gardening can be an expensive hobby, but there are many ways to save money while still enjoying a beautiful garden. One of the best ways to save money on gardening is by investing in PlantsurgeUSA, the affordable magnetic water treatment device that helps grow healthier and more robust gardens. Our device is powered by magnets to boost growth and increase yields, which ultimately may save you money at the end of the day!
moreHow a Magnetic Water Descaler Can Benefit Your Garden
For many gardeners, hard water can be a frustrating obstacle to overcome. The high levels of minerals in hard water can clog soil pores and limit water penetration, making it difficult to maintain a healthy and vibrant garden. Fortunately, a magnetic water descaler, also known as a magnetic water softener, can help alleviate these issues and improve the overall health of your garden. Read all about the benefits this incredible tool can offer your garden, then visit PlantsurgeUSA to find yours today!
moreFlower Growers Use Magnetic Water System to Improve Yield
Flower Growers and Plant Nursery owners try to gain as much advantage as they can to improve yield, reduce disease and wastage and supply healthy looking produce. When Ben Wild, owner of edible flower business, Wild Greens Farm in Yorkshire, England, installed his first Plantsurge magnetic water system in 2019 he was astonished to find out his violas and pansies flowered almost a week earlier than those given tap water. These results were subsequently validated when magnetic water was proved to increase viola flowers by 400 % percent in independent plant trial results published in 2020.
SME businesses like Wild Greens Farm need to irrigate over 25,000 plants daily depending on the season, so when Ecocamel designed Magclear XL, the agricultural industry’s first commercial magnetic water softener system, it gave growers like Ben Wild the potential he needed to irrigate his crops fast and effectively whilst preventing hard water from damaging his pumping equipment
and affecting production. Magclear XL uses four powerful neodymium magnets in a rust proof casing that requires no power, is maintenance free and easy to install. This device can be adjusted to fit water pipes from 20 mm to 50 mm which makes it very adaptable and suitable for every type of agribusiness grower.
moreNew Garden Gadget
It has been found that if you water seeds with magnetised water the plants flower earlier and weigh more which presumably equates to stronger plants. This has been used in Australia for more than 10 years. Now we are able to get magnetisers, called PlantsurgeUSA, to put on hoses and taps. As you fill the watering can or use the hose, the water passes through magnets and gains a magnetic charge. The idea is that it makes the water molecules shrink so they enter the plant more easily together with dissolved minerals. Sounds extraordinary; there is some scientific evidence to back it up, but it is not clear exactly how it works. Apparently, plants taste better, grow better, and need less water. I am putting one on the kitchen tap too- so if you see me leaping around reinvigorated, you will know why.
morePlant trials prove magnetic water benefits
When Plantsurge, the magnetic water garden device was put to the test in a head-to-head contest against tap water, the management team at Ecocamel had no idea what awaited them before results were published. Establishing swift credibility for a new product launched to the garden industry was critical, so, in April 2020 when horticulturist Chris Wiley from testing company Sow Successful Ltd arrived at the Ecocamel head office in London with the results, and showed documented proof of the benefits, everyone was jubilant. The comparison results were spectacularly in favour of magnetic water - all twenty-five plant species evaluated showed an average 80 percent increase in flowering compared to tap water, some flowers like violas showed a 433 percent increase. Chris Wiley reported ‘I can conclude that there has been a significant improvement in flower counts, with some varieties tending to flower for longer periods of time. There is minor difference in the germination stage, but between the stage of seedling and mature potted plant, there are noticeable variances which include larger foliage, speed of flowering, larger flowers, flower count and general health of the plants, which are typically all better when using Plantsurge.’ The full test results are available to view and download on the Ecocamel website.
moreRevealing the mystique of magnetic water
There is something magical about garden enthusiasts turning tap water into magnetic water to achieve healthier stronger growing plants. Yet despite all the positive garden reviews and plant trials, scientists still cannot agree on a consensus of exactly how magnetic water works. But here’s the thing, using magnets to improve plant growth is centuries old, French scientist Louis Pasteur used magnets to grow bigger plants in the late 19th century, our planet depends on magnetic forces to grow the forests and keep us alive, the rain from a thunderstorm is electro magnetically charged and brings dynamic life back into plants. So whilst it’s clear that plants and magnets have great synergy, what’s really exciting is the mystique of the remarkable that happens when magnetic energy is transferred into ordinary water and used to water plants, fruits and vegetables. When you clip a Plantsurge on to a hosepipe, or a water butt, the magnetic fields from its four magnets alters the structure of the flowing water causing electrons and atoms to be shuffled around, this forces molecules to cluster into smaller groups than those found in unmagnetized water. The result is improved uptake of water and nutrients into cells giving the benefits seen with healthier growth, abundant flowering and improved yield.